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Donovan是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/donovan.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Donovan是什么意思 Donovan在线翻译 Donovan什么意思 Donovan的意思 Donovan的翻译 Donovan的解释 Donovan的发音 Donovan的同义词 Donovan的反义词 Donovan英 [ˈdɔnəvən] 美 [ˈdɑnəvən] Donovan 基本解释



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1. 多诺文:与之对应在英国出现一些同类型乐队如冬青(hollies)、平克.弗洛伊德(pink floyd)、精妙(nice)、多诺文(donovan)、邓肯.布朗(duncan browne). 他们的尝试影响了70年代艺术摇滚的发展. 蓝领摇滚. 70年代末期初期出现,80年代走向巅峰阶段.

2. 僧侶:火焰外星人..Pyron | 僧侶.....Donovan | 女殭屍....Lei-Lei

3. Donovan

3. 美国 FW 利物浦:Jorgensen 丹麦 MF 利物浦 4000 | Donovan 美国 FW 利物浦 1500 | Karimi 伊朗 MF 利物浦 1500

Donovan 双语例句


1. You played with The Kinks, with The Stones, with Donovan, with Burt Bacharach.

2. These days the Net, which has already re-made pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan\'s vocation as well.

3. And that\'s a Paul Moore promise. To you, to St. Donovan\'s.

4. Donovan的近义词

4. There\'s a lot of pressure here at St. Donovan\'s!

5. Those gentle giants were the pillars of St. Donovan\'s Student Council.


6. His lawyer and longtime friend, Veronica Donovan, stands beside him.

7. Donovan的翻译

7. Veronica: Yes, my son Donovan. He\'s the love of my life.
有啊,有个儿子 Donovan ,他是我的最爱。

8. DONOVAN: It\'s never gonna happen, I can guarantee you.

9. I\'m gonna go see Donovan.

10. Donovan的近义词

10. DONOVAN: You\'ve looked better, Des; not much, but I...

11. Donovan的解释

11. When Philadelphia quarterback Donovan McNabb tried to bring his Eagles back from a 32-25 deficit during Sunday`s NFC Championship game, little did he know that his best receiving option was driving home from practice in Los Angeles.
在周日的NFC锦标赛,当费城四分卫Donovan McNabb 试图带领老鹰扳回32-25的劣势时,他不知道他最好的选择是从Los Angeles的训练场开车回家。

12. He grabs Nick by the scruff of the neck, You need to keep an eye on Veronica Donovan.
他一把抓住 Nick 的后颈,你必须盯紧 Veronica Donovan 。

13. The compere, as usual, will be Terry Donovan.
主持人像往常一样,还是Terry Donovan。

14. Donovan的翻译

14. New magazines came about such as Queen, and Man About Town, which speedily morphed through About Town into Town – Tom Wolsey, the art director there, was an early supporter of the new photographers, Terry Donovan in particular.

15. Donovan is described as a drifter and a fantasist, changing his name to a character in a 1980\'s TV mini-series.

16. Addressing the more hum-drum issue of plagiarism, Ms Donovan says, can make ethics more personal.

17. Donovan

17. The 2007 music festival included performances by The Stooges, Spoon, Kings of Leon, Donovan, The Buzzcocks, Fratellis, Bloc Party, Straylight Run, The Black Angels, The Bravery, Hawthorne Heights, Armor for Sleep, The Glasspack, Jack\'s Mannequin, Amy Winehouse, Badly Drawn Boy, Against Me!
2007年音乐节的表演,包括活宝,汤匙,国王的莱昂,多诺万,该Buzzcocks ,弗拉特里一家,集团党,Straylight来看,黑天使,英勇,霍桑高地,装甲睡眠,该Glasspack ,杰克的模特,艾米怀恩豪斯,涂鸦男孩,对我!

18. Now engaged to marry Sandra Bullock\'s ex-fiance Tate Donovan, Aniston counts among her former loves ER\'s Noah Wyle, actor Jonathan Silverman, co-star Matthew Perry and Grant Heslov, from True Lies.

19. The interception set up DONOVAN MC NABB\'s one-yard touchdown pass to REGGIE BROWN to give the Eagles a 7-3 lead.

20. Leishman - donovan bodies Genomic analysis of parasitic human pathogens, particularly Plasmodium falciparum, and Leishmania major.

Donovan 单语例句

1. Donovan worked at HUD during the Clinton administration, in addition to stints in academia and New York City government.

2. Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said the man was arrested a short time later and incident was not related to the president\'s visit.

3. Donovan is expected to fill the midfield role left vacant by the injured Reyna.

4. Donovan himself is leaving it until after the Galaxy\'s final game of the season on Sunday to address his own future in Los Angeles.

5. Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan was making the spending announcement yesterday in Denver at a task force meeting.

6. Donovan \" was summoned in and he met with Japan\'s vice foreign minister, \" State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters without providing any details.

7. \" He\'s been really great with us, \" US international striker Donovan told a news conference at the team\'s home stadium.

8. \" Kids don\'t stay long when they have a high level of success, \" Donovan said.

9. \" Australia is in the back of my mind because they\'re playing very well, \" coach Anne Donovan said.

10. Jermain Defoe scored for England against Slovenia in Port Elizabeth, and Landon Donovan did the job for the United States against Algeria in Pretoria.

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本文链接: http://tdonovan.immuno-online.com/view-680716.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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